All Classes and Interfaces

Provides utilities for manipulating and examining Throwable objects.
An interface to be implemented by Throwable extensions which would like to be able to nest root exceptions inside themselves.
Select methods copied from Apache Commons to avoid importing entire lib No changes to logic
A Base command is defined as a command group of related commands.
Defines a method that should receive any unknown command for the related root command.
Allows to add a single or several command alias(es).
Many implementation platforms have a concept of "Tab Completions", where pressing tab will give suggestions on what you can input.
Holds information about the currently executing command on this thread
Sets the permission required to perform this command.
Manages replacement template strings
Specifies conditions that must be met in order to execute this command.
This defines a context resolver, which parses ContextResolver from ContextResolver.
If used on a method, sets default command handler for the root command of this group If used on a parameter, sets the value to be used for context resolution
Injects a dependency into the field this is attached to.
Sets a description to the parameter or method this is attached to.
Functional interface to allow plugins to handle uncaught excetpions
Provides configuration options for ContextResolver's to change how they resolve context.
A Shortcut for specifying CatchUnknown, Default and Subcommand on a method.
Defines additional keywords to feed into the search help system.
A context resolver that will never consume input, and only resolves using the context of the issuer of the command
Handles formatting Messages and managing colors
Enum Name = MessageKey in lowercase prefixed with acf-core.
Marks the parameter this is attached to as optional.
The same as ContextResolver, however it can accept a null context.
This runs before any other command method each time it is invoked.
Marks a command to not be included in stuff like tab completion and help pages
Don't join remaining arguments.
Joins arguments into a single piece of text with the specified separator.
Defines the subcommand that can be used to execute this command.
Specifies the syntax to be used when executing this command.
Thrown when a command mananger couldn't find a registered instance for a field that is marked with Dependency
Specifies a list of values that the command input should be validated against, or else show an error.